Tacfit Commado By Scott Sonnon

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Learn The Methods Previously Unpublished Techniques That Navy SEALS, Marines And Real-Life Secret Agents Use Right Now To Chisel Rock Hard Bodies And Maintain The Availability Of Action - Anytime, Anywhere, With Absolutely No Equipment

When Daniel Craig came out of the Bahamas on the beach to surf, he caught the attention of women around the world, and the spiked browser searches for guys who are looking for an incredible, James Bond body. Fitness Marketing capitalized at the time of offering the usual bodybuilding style workouts and labelling them Bond. But anyone who knows anything about Tactical OPS was not fooled.

A guy like Agent 007 needs more than their muscles in order to save the world - it needs muscles that are serious - because it is not enough to look pretty when Blofeld is call. And when the real secret agents need to obtain solid muscles, they turn to TACFIT Commando.

The whole TACFIT body program uses bodyweight only workouts and can be completed in approximately the same amount of space you have to lie down in. It takes about 20 minutes, but full of intensity that many power athletes don’t even have in to add in their full hour of training - for real tactical operators in the world do not have time to piss around.

As if this were not enough, TACFIT also teaches you a couple of good shots that are used by real life spies on the field. You will be able to run, jump and slide as Bond in the crazy opening sequence parkour, and you will melt ladies to the floor, as he did when he walked to the beach.

Life doesn’t get any cooler than that.

Train just like the guys who are the real deal

TACFIT Commando is based on real programs, "Flow Coach" Scott Sonnon to use right now to educate the Israeli counter-terrorism, the seals and the Secret Service, the American Special Ops personnel, bodyguards of the Italian prime minister, U.S. officials federal, fire, police and fighters of MMA.

"Do not you want to get your hands on the same methods of training these guys demand for high-performance exercises that are fast, powerful, and can be done anywhere, anytime."

There is a reason why women are obsessed with calendars of fire-fighters. Real-life heroes have to be fit to be safe at work, but the methods of high-intensity training, which is also used to keep them muscular and "photo ready."

When you start using TACFIT Commando, you will be so impressive as they appear to be on the field.

Who else wants to train with the man who whips the elite warriors of the worlds into shape?

"Flow Coach" Scott Sonnon was already an accomplished boxer with more championships behind him as he stood behind the shreds of the Iron Curtain in search of ancient wisdom supported by martial Soviet Sports.

He then trained with those shady groups as he was casted in a film in the 80: Spetsnaz, national and Olympic coaches, the secret police, special forces, and even the cosmonaut program. Each new agency and the department has added one more piece of the puzzle, but none of this was on came on the platter.

Every day is behind the wall, they put him in a regiment for training what most normal people would consider to be unbearable, but in the real world, would be seen as special agents, "all in day's work."

He returned to America six years later, and he brought this knowledge with him.

That depth of experience is just one of the reasons why Scott Sonnon is rapidly becoming the trainer of choice for those whose lives depend on their conditioning.
Why should that matter to you?

Because you never settle for second-best.

Your friend just hired a coach at a local gym down the street? Good for him (I think). Your instructor trains secret agents and Special Ops.

Now You Can Build Your Body Of A Secret Agent And High Performance Of A Navy SEAL

This program has not been published previously classified previously; due to a confidentiality agreement typically need training for these agencies. But the results were so amazing that Scott has threatened to walk if you do not give it to the public, and a total break with the previous government agencies not only agreed, but also gave testimonials in open support of the program!

There may be nothing new under the sun, but there is much that has been hidden in the shadows...

What guy would not want to learn the methods used by Navy SEALS, Marines and secret agents of the real-life and use them to chisel a rock hard action-hero body...?

Say goodbye to the mundane fitness programs - TACFIT Commando Keeps You Psyched Up And Ever Ready or More!

Want to move like mission impossible? TACFIT will teach you how.

Response to the crisis requires an exercise program tailored to the needs of field agents: untiring perseverance, extreme range of the reactive power, speed ballistic, dexterity and coordination of a Free Runner, and the recovery of assets and pre-habilitation.

This requires movement that are unusual, different, open minded, and improvised. They must also be able to grow at the operator's skill level as sophistication grows. Translation: The biggest challenge and the most fun I've ever been "working".

We're talking wild inventive exercise movements that 90% of personal trainers have never dreamed of, much less proven. Crazy breakdance type of coordination is based iron strength of a gymnast, the mobility of a Yogi, the speed of light from a martial arts master, and the body of a commando.

Tactical eligibility does not make you bulletproof, but it can make you more durable by the ability of the nervous system to respond to unexpected conditions, overwhelming and intense, with ease and imagination.

"Your ammo is just as good as a gun - and if the car breaks down you can not even firing blanks."

Accelerated recovery - and a crisis in the life of every day - is also useful for this purpose. Retrieval method works to help the players back TACFIT Commando Tactical heart rate and breathing up to 6 times faster than an athlete in good condition. And like any skilled operator knows, the faster you recover, the more quicker you can burst.

When you are in the TACFIT Commando you will be able to do more than the average man, play harder and faster than anyone you know, and all look relaxed and easy. Effort because, as James Bond.

All this will be the performance speed, surprise your friends and impress the hell out of the ladies, but it is only the beginning of the transformation experience in this program. TACFIT Commando’s real secret weapon is a wave training of periodization.

TACFIT Commando uses a specific rotation of four different training methods for the integrated prevention and rapid recovery - so you are always "mission ready", either the field or on the prowl.

This wave of training is our way of promoting life. And as any manager will tell you, an experienced operator tactics with many years of successful missions under his belt is always more than any new recruit.

For lovers of health and fitness, this means that access to true high-intensity exercise, always ups and personal records, without more damage to marginalize your training, and no progress lost.

The bottom line is most important is that injuries and pain. If you can not have what the hell is your exercise program?

Even a guy with the attention span of a five year old may never get bored with that!

This means you stay with the long-term exercise and go to their goals. Years of the new on / off again "fitness" are gone forever.

But it is not enough.

The training program must also develop tactics to guide the power of the system's response to a crisis, which means high intensity, three-dimensional movements do to repeated bursts of short duration with rapid recovery, would be trained to be not afraid to exceed the limits that others call impossible.

TACFIT meet these needs through intense, fast circuit specific tactical movements, and a wave of training that synch with your body's natural energy and recycling habits.

When you start training with TACFIT, you start to develop superhuman ability to recover quickly from exertion. That means they do not smiling a smirk when your friends are still in the red in the face to the ground breathless. They lay there, gasping for breath, and you have already brought to over the horizon with the girl.

Fitness-like lightning is not who can do more, but who can do it more often. It is not the only one who can go further on a leisurely pace, but one that may face, shake and go back, who survives.

"Come and go" - Mantra Special Operations. Dont Believe Myths about 90 minutes of wasteTraining

For TACFIT Tactical Command be accepted by tactical operaters, the program must meet the following criteria:

• Portability - Agents must be able to form "anytime, anywhere"

• Efficiency - the tactical response to the constant "action", and so restoration plan is to compress the time to meet their commitments

• Tactically relevant - the conditioning program is to contribute to (rather than compete with) the tactical skills - not "exercise because exercise!"

Scott has made portable by eliminating TACFIT Commando equipment. The drive is fully body weight and can not be completed in about the same amount of space you need to grow in. You can do it in your living room, garden, gym or hotel. You can very nearly do so while you stand in the shower.

Finally, it’s made a tactical command to be relevant only to improve the operator's movements and ability in the field, but with the creation of a protocol, which is the main operator of the massive process of arousal in situations of high stress, biochemical . TACFIT trains you to respond to crisis situations, while maintaining a moderate, responsible of the "flow", so you can always keep your head when everyone around you is their defeat.

None of the tactical response that has worked to be expected that the last variable, because they had no idea that it was possible for the training as part of a plan for routine maintenance.

Train Anywhere, Anytime, always ready

Each week, TACFIT Commando does:

• High intensity fat-burning circuit: each mission if TACFIT Commando can be completed in less than 30 minutes and 30 minutes intense melt fat faster than hours of cardio exercise style.

• Skills development complex that promotes "neurological sophistication" time slows down as you accelerate, fine motor skills become more specific, gross motor skills more effectively, it feels much less stress in a crisis, and even more the everyday life.

• real tactical applications each year has been carefully planned to build the highest level of specific conditioning, while building and strengthening of tactical skills. He moves like mission impossible? TACF will teach you how.

• Damage-Proof and active recovery: some mobility exercises of low intensity to speed your recovery after intense effort, prevent overtraining and reduce delayed muscle soreness typical of extreme effort, equivalent to a preparation the permanent mission.

• muscle function: Movement requires muscle. And nothing builds lean muscles used the TACFIT Commando exciting variety of exercises. This is the secret of the physics of Special Ops guys. They build muscle is muscle GO SHOW.

If you dream of training as well as elite special operations world, or just want to physically shattered Special Operations TACFIT Command covers both muscle gain and fat loss, while exposure to a level of development skills to be maintained " classified "until today.

And what man would not dream of learning methods, Navy SEALs, Marines and the real-life secret agents now use the chisel to rock hard bodies?

Introducing TACFIT Commando ...

The secret weapon of special operations personnel in the world, and the ability to body weight system that provides the necessary HARDCORE INTENSITY to build a breathtaking body and chopped performance, ensuring quick recovery BULLETPROOF secret techniques for injury prevention.


it needs muscles that are serious - because it is not enough to look pretty when Blofeld is call. Scott Sonnon

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